Hey y'all,
I wrote the following last week while at Mid-Winter. Please read and stay tuned for more updates!
Greetings! I am excited to be your district President for 2024! I think some of our best days as a district are just ahead.
I am writing from Mid-Winter 2024 at the beautiful Sheraton at Times Square. We are getting ready to watch the Chorus Competition and Festival on this beautiful, but cold Friday morning! We have had several meetings with our District President's and EVPs, the BHS Staff and the Society Board of Directors. There has been open communication between all of these groups and there are some new things coming that we all can get excited about!
On Saturday our District will be represented by two of our quartets, Deep Water and Quadraphonics. Congratulations to those quartets and we wish them much success!
Stay tuned for an update soon from your Task Force. They have worked hard to interact with most of our chapters and help us gather ideas and ways that we can see our district grow and increase our singing and fellowship.
I look forward to getting to know more of you this year. I hope to send these updates and notes out on a regular basis. If you have any questions please let me know.
Jimmy Tompkins
President, Dixie District