Latest News

  • Spring Convention 2024 - Chorus Results
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Mar 16 2024
    Spring Convention 2024 - Chorus Results
  • Spring Convention - Quartet Finals 2024 REVISED
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Mar 16 2024
    Spring Convention - Quartet Finals 2024 REVISED
  • District Taskforce Initiatives and Rebranding
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 11 2024
    District Taskforce Initiatives and Rebranding
    Since 1948, the Dixie District has enjoyed 76 years of harmony, fellowship, and camaraderie. We weren’t slacking on the singing either, with two chorus champions, three quartet champions, and at least four Varsity champions! We have always enjoyed this great hobby, even though we have seen quite a bit of change over the years, and while we have lost states (Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, and later both Carolinas).

    This year, change was on the table once more. On October 1, 2023, the board of directors of the Dixie District voted unanimously to “form a task force to formulate a proposal that will help the district grow with Clay Hine being the chairman”. Several developments over several years led to this direction, including:
    • Declining district and chapter membership
    • Declining participation in district conventions
    • Declining number of events aside from district conventions that would present opportunities for our chapters, membership, and potential members to engage and share in the joy of barbershop
    • The negative impact of COVID on the above and on our district community
    • Discussions involving the name of our district, different perspectives on a name change and how the name represents our values and mission.
    • Recognition of a desire for more positive opportunities for our district community to engage and share the passion that we have for barbershop and for our barbershop community.
    • The increasing need to learn from and share ideas that could potentially benefit all of our members and chapters.
    From this task force, we received a proposal and on March 3rd, the House of Delegates voted unanimously to pass it. The proposal to rebrand and reimagine the Dixie District is summarized below:
    1. Maintain the current Vision and Mission statements (with adjustments for district name), found on the District website.
    2. Establish Areas and Area Counselor (ACs) to facilitate chapter engagement at a local level.
    3. Establish the position of Guild Director who will organize and maintain a district coaches guild (coaches available to coach choruses and quartets), Quartet Guild, and Chorus Directors Guild.
    4. Round table discussions - the district will facilitate round table discussions (virtual – ie, Zoom – or in-person) that include key stake holders within district chapters, each focused on one of 3 specific broad chapter challenges (Membership Development, Chorus Director Support and Finances).
    5. Quartet Development – the VP M&P will work with the District Quartet Champions Association (DQCA) to facilitate an annual Intensive Quartet Training (IQT) Day for coaching any interested quartet (outside of those already invited to the Top Gun School).
    6. District Success Chairman – a new district board position who will monitor, assess, and help guide the success of district programs as they relate to or are discussed in this proposal.
    7. Create Events Strategic Planning (ESP) Committee to design and implement exciting new opportunities for members of our district community to gather.
    In order to best present and represent the district’s new direction and renewed focus on community and growth, the task force proposes to:
    1. Change the name of the district from “The Dixie District” to the “Southeastern Harmony District”, and
    2. Adopt specific measures and actions to ensure that the positive legacy and history of The Dixie District are preserved and perpetuated.

    Over the next several weeks, we will be showcasing each one of these changes as they are all major changes that deserve a deep dive.

    We want to express our gratitude to all who have supported us, currently support us, and will support us. We are excited to start this new chapter in the district as the Southeastern Harmony District!
  • News from Pres! 16 Feb 2024
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Feb 16 2024
    News from Pres! 16 Feb 2024
  • Big Chicken Hires Director
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Feb 5 2024
    Big Chicken Hires Director

    Michaela Slamka Johnson

    The Big Chicken Chorus is proud to welcome Michaela as our new Musical Director.

    Michaela comes to us as a 4th genration Barbershopper and a 3rd generation quartet champion. Her grandfather (Jack), father (Mike), uncle (Mark), and second cousin (Don) were BHS 2003 International Champions, Power Play. Father (Mike) was also the Lead of 2009 International Champion Quartet, Crossroads. Her sister Madison Riviere is the Lead of the current Sweet Adelines International (SAI) 4th place quartet.

    Michaela is also a Queen of Harmony with SAI, as the Tenor of 2019 International Championship Quartet, Class Ring!. Class Ring began their winning ways as 2014 SAI Rising Star Champions.

    Michaela is also a member of Double Date (tenor), a two time (2014 & 2016) Champion of the BING! World Mixed Voice contest held annually in Germany.

    She is currently the Baritone of Dynasty, the 2024 2nd Place SAI quartet.

    In addition to her performance sucesses, Michaela holds degrees in Music Education and Music Theory and has taught elementary music for 5 years. 

    Michaela is maried to Nathan Johnson, Baritone of 2022 International Champion Quartet, Quorum and fellow member of Double Date.

  • News from the Pres! February 2nd
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Feb 3 2024
    News from the Pres! February 2nd
    Hey y'all!
    I hope your February is off to a great start. As promised, the Task Force has been hard at work. Your board of directors will be meeting THIS Sunday night to discuss their proposal. I am excited about the potential impact of implementing the suggestions coming from the Task Force.

    We will be sending the proposal out sometime next week. I trust you will spend some time going through it and consider how you can get involved to help our district grow and introduce future generations to the joy of this great hobby!

    One more quick thought...are YOU coming to the Spring convention? I sincerely hope that you will plan to be in Chattanooga in March. We need you! Wouldn't be great if EVERY chapter had at least one quartet to sing on Friday night? You can register NOW at

    I hope to see you there!
    Jimmy Tompkins
    President, Dixie District BHS
  • A Message from Jimmy
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Jan 16 2024
    A Message from Jimmy
    Hey y'all,

    I wrote the following last week while at Mid-Winter. Please read and stay tuned for more updates!

    Greetings! I am excited to be your district President for 2024! I think some of our best days as a district are just ahead. I am writing from Mid-Winter 2024 at the beautiful Sheraton at Times Square. We are getting ready to watch the Chorus Competition and Festival on this beautiful, but cold Friday morning! We have had several meetings with our District President's and EVPs, the BHS Staff and the Society Board of Directors. There has been open communication between all of these groups and there are some new things coming that we all can get excited about! On Saturday our District will be represented by two of our quartets, Deep Water and Quadraphonics. Congratulations to those quartets and we wish them much success! Stay tuned for an update soon from your Task Force. They have worked hard to interact with most of our chapters and help us gather ideas and ways that we can see our district grow and increase our singing and fellowship. I look forward to getting to know more of you this year. I hope to send these updates and notes out on a regular basis. If you have any questions please let me know. Jimmy Tompkins President, Dixie District
  • SCORE SHEETS! - Quartet
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Sep 24 2023
    Fall quartet score sheet. 
  • SCORE SHEETS - Chorus
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Sep 24 2023
    Chorus score sheet. 
  • Recap of Spring Convention 2023 in Gadsden
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Mar 23 2023
    Recap of Spring Convention 2023 in Gadsden

    Quartet Rep to international

    Entourage Quartet

    spring chorus champion

    Atlanta Vocal Project (AVP)




    Voices Of The South

    Most Improved Chorus

    Stone Mountain Chorus

    barbershopper of the year

    Jimmy Tompkins (2018) presenting to David Murphree (2023)

  • Dixie District Spring Convention 2023 Quartet Finals (No semi-final sheet)
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Mar 19 2023
    Dixie District Spring Convention 2023 Quartet Finals (No semi-final sheet)
  • Dixie District Spring Convention 2023 Chorus Results
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Mar 18 2023
    Dixie District Spring Convention 2023 Chorus Results
  • Info about upcoming results from 2023 Spring Convention
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Mar 16 2023

    Friday nights scores will not be posted.  All quartets in the contest will be singing on Saturday night, only the final score sheet will be posted.

  • Streaming of 2023 Spring Convention and Contest
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Mar 15 2023
    Streaming of 2023 Spring Convention and Contest
    Please check our Facebook page the day of contest for the livestream of each session.
  • Come Sing with the Mic Tester Chorus for Spring 2023 at Gadsden
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Mar 15 2023
    Come Sing with the Mic Tester Chorus for Spring 2023 at Gadsden
  • Dixie District Fall Contest - Quartet Finals - Order of Appearance
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Sep 24 2022
  • Livestream of the 2022 Dixie District Fall Convention Available
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Sep 21 2022
    Livestream of the 2022 Dixie District Fall Convention Available

    YES! Our 2022 Dixie Distrct Fall Convention will be live streamed.  Please check our Facebook page on September 23rd and 24th!

  • Music City Chorus Recognized by the City of Nashville
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Sep 20 2022
    Music City Chorus Recognized by the City of Nashville
    Nashville Metro Council recognized the Music City Chorus by proclamation on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 and congratulated MCC on the 2022 Barbershop Harmony Society International Chorus Championship.  Members of the chorus were honored by the reading of the proclamation to the council.  Rich Smith, President of the Nashville Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, expressed the chapter's and chorus's appreciation to the council.  MCC then sang Circle of Life, from their award winning set, for the council, under the direction of Dusty Schleier.  The chorus received a standing ovation from the council and those in attendance.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Town Crier Vol 14 Issue 2
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Aug 24 2022
    Town Crier Vol 14 Issue 2
    The August 2022 issue of the Dixie District online newsletter, The Dixie Town Crier is a must read.
    • MCC - International Chorus Champs
    • Notes from the President
    • Leadership Academy in November
    • News from choruses
    • Director's Corner with DC Nash
    • Calling all Seniors for the Dixie District Seniors Chorus
    • Fall Contest registration form

    Our upcoming Dixie District Fall Convention is in full swing. If you are a Seniors Quartet, Super Seniors Quartet, or Novice Quartet, please be sure to register, there's a big chance to win in these categories. Fall Convention is in Oxford, AL on September 23-25, go to to find all the information about the convention and contest.
    The Dixie Town Crier is YOUR chapter’s opportunity to share information and photos about your chorus, quartets, shows, and activities with your fellow barbershoppers. Each chapter is encouraged to appoint someone to report YOUR chapter news! Submissions and questions should be directed to
  • Music City Chorus wins Gold at Charlotte!
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Jul 18 2022
    Music City Chorus wins Gold at Charlotte!

    BHS International Charlotte 2022

    Music City Chorus

    Congratulations to the Music City Chorus for winning the chorus competition at BHS International Chorus Contest in Charlotte on July 9, 2022. Music City Chorus is under the direction of Dusty Schleier and scored a 95.7 to win the gold.


    Sound of Tennessee

    Congratulations to Sound of Tennessee, under the direction of Brandon Guyton.  They placed 12th in the chorus competition with a score of 84.7.



    Premiere Quartet, from the Cleveland TN chapter, competed in the Next Generation Barbershop Varsity Quartet Contest and finished 7th with a score of 76.7. Congratulations guys!



    Congratulations to Wildfire for making the 20.  They finished 17th with a score of 81.8.



    Congratulations to Entourage who finished 27th with a score of 79.1.



    Congratulations to cityScape (CAR), we claim them, for their 43rd finish with a score of 76.5.



    Our comics of song and entertainment appeared in the Quartet Festival and received a rating of Outstanding.  Congratulations guys, great to see you entertain the audience and receive two standing ovations.

  • Barbershopper of the Year 2019 - Tony Nichols
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Mar 31 2022
    Barbershopper of the Year 2019 - Tony Nichols
  • 2022 Spring Contest Photos
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 28 2022
    2022 Spring Contest Photos

    Congratulations to our Dixie District representatives to the BHS International Contest in Charlotte!

    Next Gen Varsity - Premiere

    Choruses - Music City Chorus and Sound of Tennessee Chorus

    Quartets - Wildfire

  • Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Chorus Results
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Mar 26 2022
    Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Chorus Results
  • Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Quartet Finals
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Mar 26 2022
    Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Quartet Finals
  • Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Quartet Final Draw
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Mar 25 2022
    Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Quartet Final Draw
  • Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Livestream Schedule on Facebook
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Mar 24 2022
    Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Livestream Schedule on Facebook
  • Dixie District HOD Announcement
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 21 2022

    In late 2019, our Board of Directors received a request by one of the members we serve to investigate the possibility of changing the name.  In 2020, we opened discussions amongst the board about this subject.  After several long discussions and debates, we decided to send a survey to our members to get the pulse of the district in regards to this. There was quite a bit of resistance to the idea of it, with 48% of the respondents being either Against or Strongly Against the change, while 37% were For or Strongly For the change.  This sparked another round of conversation in the Board, who were also divided on the matter, so it was eventually decided to create a task force to investigate whether or not the name should be changed.  After several very productive conversations, the task force recommended that the name be changed.  The Board then accepted the recommendation and delivered it to the delegates of the chapters ahead of the House of Delegates meeting on March 20.  We asked the delegates to have conversations with their respective chapters and to be prepared to vote on the matter at the upcoming meeting.  A motion was made that the name should be changed (without any suggestions as to a new name) and a roll call vote was taken.  There were 17 votes against, 15 in favor, and 1 abstention, so the motion failed.  A further breakdown shows that the Board members voted 7 to 6 against, with chapter delegates voting 10 to 9 against, 1 abstention.  With the failure of the motion, we continue to be the Dixie District.  The task force is officially disbanded as its original directive was completed and the failure of the motion means that no more directives will be given. We want to thank the task force for their diligent work and contribution to the discussion.

    What this has shown is that we are fortunate to have a lot of people that are passionate about the future of our district.  We are sure that there will be more discussion about this because of this passion. What's clear is that we all love our district and we want it to grow and prosper.  For now, we are turning our attention to our members and how we can best serve them.  We look forward to seeing everyone in Alabaster!

    Paul Blazek
    Dixie District President

  • Town Crier Volume 14 Issue 1
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Mar 18 2022
    Town Crier Volume 14 Issue 1

    he March 2022 issue of the Dixie District online newsletter, The Dixie Town Crier is a must read.

    • cityScape - Silver Medalists
    • Spring Contest
    • House of Delegates
    • Notes from the President
    • Help Wanted - Director search
    • Sony Holt - 50 Year Pin

    The Dixie Town Crier is YOUR chapter’s opportunity to share information and photos about your chorus, quartets, shows, and activities with your fellow barbershoppers. Each chapter is encouraged to appoint someone to report YOUR chapter news! Submissions and questions should be directed to

    A big thank you to Jeff Woods for taking over as Town Crier editor.  Please continue to send your articles.

  • Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Chorus Draw
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 14 2022
    Dixie District Spring Contest 2022 - Chorus Draw
  • Quartet Draw for Spring 2022 Contest
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Mar 10 2022
    Quartet Draw for Spring 2022 Contest
  • Dixie District Board 2021
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Aug 1 2021

    The Dixie District Board of DIrectors met in July 2021 to discuss the business of the district and prepare for the upcoming House of Delegates meeting.  Not pictured: DC Nash, Jim Sams, Bob Davenport, and Steve Callahan.
  • Fall Contest 2021 Cancelled
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jul 31 2021
    During our District Board meeting this weekend, we discussed ways to safely hold our 2021 Fall Contest in Oxford, AL. Unfortunately, after reviewing multiple scenarios, we decided that it would be in the best interest of the District if we do not hold convention this year. We are continuing to monitor trends as we navigate this difficult pandemic, and hope to bring good news soon about our Spring Convention in Alabaster, AL.

    Our President, Paul Blazek, will go into more detail on our decision in the next Town Crier..
  • Virtual Dixie District Leadership Academy
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Jan 7 2021

    Dixie District 2021 Leadership Academy

    About this Event

    The 2021 Leadership Academy will focus on the following classes.

    • Healthy Chapter Initiative conducted by Bob Cox from the Evergreen District. It is requested Presidents, EVPs, and BMAL sign up for this class.
    • Treasurer conducted by George Reynolds - Dixie District
    • Secretary conducted by Russell Bell - Dixie District
    • Music & Performance conducted by Jimmy Tompkins - Dixie District
    • Marketing & Public Relations conducted by Mike Brunson - Dixie District
    • Membership & Chapter Development conducted by Charlie Davenport - Sunshine District
    • Website Design & Maintenance conducted by David Murphree - Dixie District
    • Chorus Director Development conducted by DC Nash - Dixie District

    Questions? Contact Bob Davenport, DIX VP of CSLT – or 615-331-7377.

    Classes will be 3 hours, general assembly will begin at noon via Zoom.

  • Spring Contest Cancelled. Looking at plans later.
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Mar 12 2020
    After lengthy discussions and careful consideration, the Dixie District Board of Directors has decided to cancel our upcoming Spring Convention on March 20-22, 2020. The novel coronavirus has been spreading quickly through our communities, and disproportionately impacts the immunocompromised and individuals over 60. Due to this, we want to take every precaution to keep our members and their families, friends, and communities safe. After reviewing options, we agreed that the best course of action was to not gather at this time.

    We are currently coordinating with SCJC and BHS to come up with options for our quartets that intend to qualify for International, and will deliver the information as soon as we finalize a plan. We will do all that we can to maintain the qualification process.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, and we are working to come up with a solution for later in the year. Details will follow in the coming weeks, so please keep an eye out for them.

    Thank you everyone for working with us through this complicated issue.

    Yours in Harmony,
    Your Dixie District Board of Directors

    UPDATE 3/13/2020

    For those that have already registered for contest next weekend, we are working with Eventbrite to get your registration fee refunded. We will send you an email with details soon.

    For those who have booked hotel rooms, please contact your hotels to cancel your reservations.

  • Town Crier - Vol. 12 Issue 2 - March
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 2 2020
    Town Crier - Vol. 12 Issue 2 - March

    The March 2020 issue of the Dixie District online newsletter, The Dixie Town Crier is a must read.

    • Spring Contest - Order of Appearance
    • Barbershoppers of the Year around the district
    • News from around the district
    • A Tribute to Freeman Groat

    The Dixie Town Crier is YOUR chapter’s opportunity to share information and photos about your chorus, quartets, shows, and activities with your fellow barbershoppers. Each chapter is encouraged to appoint someone to report YOUR chapter news! Submissions and questions should be directed to by the 25th of each month.

    David Murphree
    Town Crier Editor
    Dixie District BHS
  • Town Crier - Vol. 12 Issue 1 - January
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Jan 26 2020
    Town Crier - Vol. 12 Issue 1 - January

    The January 2020 issue of the Dixie District online newsletter, The Dixie Town Crier is a must read.

    • Midwinter Highlights - Dixie Choruses & Quartets
    • Spring Contest - location change, hotels, registrations, news
    • Website Update
    • Town Crier Editor Retires

    The Dixie Town Crier is YOUR chapter’s opportunity to share information and photos about your chorus, quartets, shows, and activities with your fellow barbershoppers. Each chapter is encouraged to appoint someone to report YOUR chapter news! Submissions and questions should be directed to 

    Town Crier Editor
    Dixie District BHS
  • Spring Contest 2020 Housing Information
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Jan 21 2020
    Holiday Inn Express & Suites Pelham (Headquarters)
    260 Cahaba Valley Road
    Pelham, AL  35124
    Rate: $119 plus tax per night
    Call 205-987-8888 to make reservations by phone
    For on line reservations

    Sleep Inn Pelham Oak Mountain
    200 Southgate Drive
    Pelham, AL  35124
    Rate: $99 plus tax per night
    Call 205-982-9800 to make reservations by phone
    No on line reservations

    PLEASE NOTE: The cut-off date to make reservations is Friday, February 21.

    The contests will be held at:
    Thompson High School Performing Arts Center.
    1921 Warrior Parkway
    Alabaster, AL 35007
  • Spring Contest 2020 Registration Open
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Jan 19 2020

    2020 Spring Quartet Qualifier
    and Chorus Contest 

    Early Registration will be available until 11:59 PM (EDT) , 10:59 (CDT) March 6, 2020. Online regsitration will be available until 10:00 PM (EDT) 9:00 PM (CDT) March 20, 2020. Registration on site will be open: 12:00 Noon - 1 hour after quartet contest starts Friday March 20. 8:00 AM - 1 Hour after chorus contest starts Saturday March 21. Contest site:  Alabaster Performing Arts Center, Thompson High School, 1921 Warrior Pkwy, Alabaster, AL 35007

    Eventbrite link:
  • Contest & Judging - Spring 2020 - from Jim Sams, VP-Contest & Judging
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Jan 16 2020

    Dateline: January 16, 2020

    The time is upon us to gather for the 2020 Dixie Spring International Quartet Prelims and Chorus Convention/Contests. This convention will be held March 20-22, 2020 in Alabaster, Alabama. 


    The headquarters hotel is the Holiday Inn Express, 260 Cahaba Valley Rd, Pelham, AL 35124, 205-987-8888. And we are using Sleep Inn Pelham Oak Mountain, 200 Southgate Dr., Pelham, AL 35124, 205-982-9800. An additional hotel, Comfort Suites, may be added for overflow depending on the registrations. The distance between hotels is 0.3mi.


    The contest site will be at the Alabaster City Schools Performing Arts Center on the campus of Thompson High School, 1921 Warrior Pkwy, Alabaster, AL 35007. The distance from the hotels to the ACS PAC is 10.2 miles (21 min) via US-31 S. Buses will be available for chorus transportation. 


    We will have an International Quartet Prelim (2 rounds), a District Chorus Championship, and a Most Improved Chorus award based on chorus scores from last spring. You have SIX WEEKS to enter the contests of your choice. The deadline for contestant entries will be midnight Friday, February 28, 2020.


    We will also offer a “Score for Evaluations” only session, INVITATIONAL, for ALL choruses/quartets who do not wish to compete and to all singing groups (Seniors quartets, Mixed quartets, Female Quartets, Female Choruses, and Mixed Choruses) who would like to receive your personal score sheet and up to a 60-minute coaching or a 30-minute evaluation-only session. We just need YOU there to participate! There will be something for everyone! ALL male/female/mixed quartets MUST be BHS members EXCEPT FOR youth quartets (mixed, male & female) from college-age down.
    District Championship Competitions AND all Prelim sessions will officially begin in Fall 2020. More information will be forthcoming following the 2020 Spring Convention.


    Here are the judges who are on the Official Panel: 
    MUS - Joe Cerutti (MAD) & Steve Tramack (NED)
    PER - Sean Devine (MAD) & Shawn Mondragon (RMD)
    SNG - David Mills (SUN) & Mark Stock (NSC).
    I can assure you that each of these men are well-trained, experienced, and are ready and willing to work with each of you to help improve your performances regardless of what level you are.


    If you have any trouble filling out the Barberscore entry for your chorus or quartet, PLEASE contact me ASAP and allow me to walk you through the process. Again, I am available to help you fill out your Barberscore entry if needed.  Quartet admins can login at
    Again, the cut off for Barberscore entries for this convention is Friday midnight, February 28th which NOW gives you a full 42 days to get your entries filled out. That is 3 weeks from the start of the convention weekend. Please let me hear from you SOON as to what your plans are for this convention. I would like to know what your intentions are as early as possible so that I can prepare for the numbers of competitors expected.

    I will be sending out weekly reminders as to our progress and to help light fires under some of you who like to procrastinate. And we want you to have a grand experience at this 2020 Dixie Spring Convention. Bring your family and friends to enjoy the very best that DIXIE DISTRICT has to offer!
    ALL y’all come now, ya hear??!!
    Jim Sams
    VP Contest & Judging-Dixie
    (901) 488-3128

    ****************** COMING-FALL 2020-Start planning NOW!! *******************
    QUARTETS:     District Male, District Female, District Seniors, District Super Seniors, District Mixed, District Novice, District Super Novice CHAMPIONSHIPS, and International Seniors Prelims!

    CHORUSES:  District Male, District Female, District Mixed-INTERNATIONAL PRELIMS

  • MidWInter: Hey, folks! Like youth singing barbershop? You're in luck!
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Jan 9 2020

    Hey, folks! Like youth singing barbershop? You're in luck!

    The BHS Next Generation Junior Division quartet and chorus contests are today and tomorrow at Midwinter in Jacksonville. Dixie District is well represented this year: Here's a schedule:

    TODAY, Thursday, January 9, 4:00 - 5:30 EST

    Next Generation Quartet Contest. Sonic Sound Quartet is a mixed foursome from Marietta High School, Marietta, GA is singing sixth. 3:1, a mixed quartet from Martin Luther King, Jr. Magnet High School, Nashville, TN is singing eighth.

    TOMORROW, Friday, January 10, 11:00 - 8:30 EST

    Next Generation Chorus Contest (held in conjunction with Seniors Chorus Contest). MLK HS's Bella Voce women's chorus is scheduled to sing at 11:48. Georgia Spirit mixed chorus is scheduled for 12:58. MLK HS's Bro Re Mi men's chorus is scheduled for 7:34.

    You can catch all contests and shows LIVE on FloVoice (

    If you're not in attendance in Jacksonville, tune in. All these groups have worked very hard and our moral and financial support goes a long way! Thanks!

    Lee Frnaks
    Vice-President, Youth in Harmony
    Dixie District

  • VIDEO: Wildfire - 2019 Next Generation Varsity Champs
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Jan 6 2020
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Location change for Spring Contest 2020
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Jan 5 2020

    Location change for Spring Contest 2020

    The Dixie District Spring Contest 2020 will be held in Alabaster, AL,  The date remains March 20-22, 2020.  More details will be released in the coming weeks. 1/5/2020.
  • Dixie Leadership Training
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Dec 27 2019

    The Dixie 2020 Leadership Academy will take place on Saturday, January 4th 2020. The location will be the Morris Hill Baptist Church at 1804 Morris Hill Rd, Chattanooga, TN 37421. The sesion will run from 12:00 noon until 4:00PM EST.

    Classes will be available for new and returning chapter leadership positions:

    • President & Executive Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • VP Music & Performance
    • VP Membership Development
    • VP Marketing/Public Relations
    • VP Youth in Harmony

    The Healty Chapter Initiative class will also be presented by a certified HCI facilitator.

    Dean of the Academy is Bob Davenport.  If you have questions, please contact Bob at

    Registration for the event is now open.

  • Town Crier - Vol. 11 Issue 11 - December
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Dec 19 2019

    Latest Town Crier 

    After serving much of the last decade as the editor of the Dixie Town Crier, David Belden has decided to retire. While he plans to continue to sing with the Music City Chorus, the time has come to retire from the extra duties associated with the district newsletter editor position. David is a retired teacher and prin-cipal originally from Ohio. In addition to his career in education he spent 23 years as a reporter, photogra-pher, columnist, and editor for The Leader Enterprise in Montpelier, Ohio. David has also spent much of the decade as editor of The Huzzah, the Nashville Chapter newsletter, a position from which he is also retiring. David and his wife Barbara will use some of their extra time making trips to Ohio to help to care for Barbara’s father and step-mother. 

    A new editor for the Dixie Town Crier is expected to be named soon. Watch the Dixie District webpage for upcoming information. 

  • Town Crier - Vol. 11 Issue 10 - November
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Nov 21 2019
    Our post Fall Contest Town Crier is available for download.
  • Town Crier - Vol. 11 Issue 9
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Oct 21 2019
  • 2019 Fall Contest Results - Dixie District
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Oct 6 2019

    Ringgold, GA, Oct 4, 2019

    Congratulations to the new Dixie District Quartet Champions - Wildfire.

    The Dixie Novice Quartet Champions are Goodness Gracious.

    The Dixie Senior Quartet Champions are Silver Ring.

    The Dixie Super Seniors quartet champion is Rock City 4.

    The DIxie Chorus representative to BHS International in 2020 is the Sound of Tennesee chorus from Cleveland TN.

    The Dixie Seniors Chorus performed and recieved a score of 73.3%.

Copyright © 2024 Southeastern Harmony District BHS