Services > Contest & Judging > Contest Entry Procedures

Prior to each district convention, all quartets and chapters are notified by the District VP for C&J that it is time to formally enter the contests that are going to be held at that convention. The notification will advise you of the dates of the convention, the location, the times for each sessions, and the deadline for completing the contest entry process.

The notification will also include procedures for accessing the contest entry process on the Society web site to create a completed CJ-20 contest entry form. To complete the entry process using the Society on-line entry process, you will need the following:

  • Certify that you have read and are complying with the copyright laws and that you have clearance from the copyright holder for all music you are singing in the contest.
  • Certify that all members of the competing quartet or chorus are paid up members of the Society and the chapter or quartet as specified in Article I of the contest rules.
  • If a quartet, the quartet must be a paid up registered quartet with the Society.
  • All song titles submitted must include the following:
    • Song title
    • Words/Music (lyricist/composer)
    • Copyright date
    • Copyright owner(s)
    • Arranger(s)
    • Date of arrangement
    • Stock # (published/unpublished acquired from BHS Harmony Marketplace) -or -
    • Date of legal acquisition from copyright owner
      • Date of legal acquisition is when you either received permission from the copyright owner (in the case of an individual who owns the copyright) or when you purchased the legal number of copies of a song owned by a publisher that was not acquired through Harmony Marketplace
    • Is this song a medley? _____Yes _____No
      • If yes, ensure that you enter information for each song in medley.
  • If a chorus, the number of risers you plan to sing on. All choruses will sing on 7, 9, or 11 risers and 7 is the district standard.
  • The types of contest that you eligible for and want to compete in.
  • Do you desire a post-contest evaluation and, if so, the type of post-contest evaluation that you would like.

Frequently Asked Questions

If I don’t understand something or need clarification of the entry process, who should I contact?
Contact the district VP of Contest and Judging.
What happens if I don’t send in a song title that I sing?
If you aren’t sure which songs you will be singing, list ALL that are possibilities. You won’t be penalized for NOT singing listed songs, but you may be penalized for singing songs that are not entered.
Copyright © 2025 Southeastern Harmony District BHS