Services > Events > Harmony Explosion Camp

A major service is to provide a successful barbershop summer camp experience for high school boys from around the entire District. Society and professional clinicians are utilized to teach high school boys four to six songs in four-part harmony along with appropriate choreography. These songs are then presented to the public and attendees at the Saturday evening show. Helping the clinicians is a qualified young quartet who not only inspires the boys to learn but conducts the sectional rehearsals. Local chapters, quartets and individual barbershoppers become sponsors and provide funding through scholarships to allow students to attend the three day camp for almost no expense, and their teachers to attend for free. Harmony Foundation, the Society and the District also provide support.

You can sponsor a student to the Harmony Explosion Camp. If you want your donation to apply to a specific student or teacher, that can be arranged. If you have no preference, the donation will be assigned to a camper, and you will receive a thank-you note from that person at the end of the camp.

For more information contact the district VP of Youth in Harmony.

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