Bill Busby Memorial Award

Established by the Memphis and Nashville Chapters to be presented to the quartets representing the District in International Competition.

If you have any updates, corrections, or can supply any missing data for this page, please send the information to the District webmaster.

Year Quartet(s)
2023 Entourage
2022 Entourage, Wildfire
2019 Rocky Toppers, Entourage, Category 4
2018 Category 4
2017 Boardwalk, Category 4
2016 Dad Wagon, Instant Message, Glen Arven Avenue, MC4, Boardwalk
2015 A Mighty Wind, MC4, Boardwalk, Prelude, RedZone
2014 A Mighty Wind, Lunch Break, TNS, RedZone, Overture
2013 A Mighty Wind, Lunch Break, The Real McCoy, Decades
2012 A Mighty Wind, TNS, Contingency Plan, The Vigilantes
2011 A Mighty Wind, TNS, Lunch Break, The Real McCoy
2010 A Mighty Wind, TNS, Lunch Break, Zamboni Brothers, The Real McCoy, Let’s Sing
2009 Stateline Grocery, Lunch Break, Let's Sing!
2008 Stateline Grocery, Redline, Lunch Break, Great Nashville Singout, Pinstripe
2007 Stateline Grocery, Great Nashville Singout
2006 Stateline Grocery, Great Nashville Singout
2005 Riptide, Stateline Grocery, Overture, Way Back When
2004 Riptide, Overture, Genesis, Ringside, Smackdown
2003 Riptide
2002 Four Voices, Riptide, Overture
2001 Riptide, Four Voices, Overture
2000 Riptide, Four Voices, Split Decision, Overture
1999 FRED, Riptide, Split Decision
1998 FRED, Svelte Brothers, Riptide
1997 FRED, Svelte Brothers, Bandstand
1996 FRED
1995 FRED, Sound Standard, Bandstand, Prodigy
1994 FRED, Class of '94
1993 FRED, Sound Standard, Bungee Chords
1992 FRED, New Attitude
1991 The Crackerjacks, Sound Standard, FRED, Stacked Deck, Yesterday Today
1990 Stacked Deck, Atlanta Forum, Sound Standard, Capstone Connection
1989 A Class Apart, Sound Standard, Atlanta Forum
1988 Heartland, Atlanta Forum
1987 Midnight Express, Heartland
1986 Heartland, Matchpoint
1985 Bowery Street Boys, Midnight Express
1984 Midnight Express, Stacked Deck
1983 Blue Ribbon Edition, Bowery Street Boys
1982 Stacked Deck, Blue Ribbon Edition
1981 Stacked Deck, Crackerland Chord Company
1980 Stacked Deck, Vocal Impressions
1979 Male Order Music Company, Crackerland Chord Company
1978 Male Order Music Company, Stacked Deck
1953 Antlers, Florida Knights
1952 Antlers, Vagabonds
1951 Antlers, Vagabonds
1950 Florida Knights, Vagabonds
1949 Florida Knights
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