Services > Events > Leadership Academy

Southeastern Harmony District Leadership Academy/COTS are designed to train your chapter officers in key elements for performing their chapter elected positions. Classes are normally offered from November - January annually. These are offered at three regional sites for the next full year officer instruction cycle. This will give you three opportunities to get your chapter leaders trained.

We are striving to serve our chapters better by offering classes that are relevant to what your chapter needs to learn. The only way we can do this is for you to tell us in advance what you need to have taught. I look forward to hearing what you would like to have offered at your Leadership Academies/COTS.

Frequently Asked Questions

What classes are usually offered at Leadership Academies?
We normally teach the key leadership classes [President, Secretary, Treasurer, Music & Performance, Program VP, Marketing & Public Relations] at each of the locations. Chapter Support Representative, Chorus Director, Chapter Planning, or other classes are often also taught.
Do I have to be a chapter officer to attend?
No, anyone may attend any of the classes.
How many days is the training?
We are currently having one-day training sessions that begin at 9:00 am and conclude no later than 4:30 pm. By doing this most attendees only have to invest one day in time and very few will have to have an overnight hotel room.
I attended COTS two years ago, what has changed that I should attend again?
All tracks have been revised into a two hour core block of instruction, a two hour advanced block, and two hours of elective instruction where you may attend a different track, a mentored planning session, a chapter planning class, or any other class you desire. If you identify a class you wish to have taught ahead of time we will try to find an instructor to teach it.
Who are and where does the faculty come from?
The Barbershop Society did not support any of the districts with faculty last year; therefore, most districts used the certified instructors that they had residing in their districts. In SHD we used all the certified instructors that lived within the district. In many cases we had no certified instructor to cover a specific class or classes so we identified and used highly qualified non-certified instructors. This worked so well that we are doing the same thing for the coming year. It also kept our cost down and we could keep the registration fee to a minimum.
How do I become a certified instructor?
It is desired that you have held the office for a full term for the class you wish to become certified to teach and have attended a COTS class for it taught by a Certified Instructor. Teach at least one hour of instruction in a classroom setting with a Certified Instructor observing. This session is to be video recorded and sent to the Track Advisor of the discipline for review. Send an email to the District VP of Chapter Support and Leadership Training outlining your qualifications for the job and I will assist you in obtaining a certification.
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