Director Education & Development

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Director Education & Development

Harmony University: Directors College

Harmony University (HU) typically falls within the last week of July or the first week in August. It is a week long event dedicated the education of barbershoppers, musicians, clinicians, and directors. HU is comprised of several subsidiary “colleges” or “course tracks” dedicated to the type of education you are interested in. Among the courses, there is Directors College.

Directors College focuses mainly on the development and education of chorus directors at every level, including aspirant directors.

More information can be found on the Harmony University Director’s College web page:

The District sets a budget for director education as there are some costs for travel and accommodation that rise above the fee set by the district as each participating chapter’s share of the cost of a CDWI or CDWI II. The Next Level workshop involves only one chorus with one trainer, and the cost is borne by the chapter. There are no fees charged by CDWI trainers.

Director education offerings can be offered on the basis of director population, geographic distribution or perceived need. CDWI workshops are generally made available to directors within their geographical area on a regular rotation. In DIX, we plan to make workshops available twice a year.

CDWI II workshops are offered when all participants have already experienced a CDWI workshop. Next Level workshops are offered also only to directors who have already had the CDWI experience. Usually, the education history of District directors is known by past or present organizers of these events. Otherwise, directors can be polled.

Outstanding in Front (Formerly known as Director of the Future) events are designed to develop depth in the pool of aspiring directors in your chapter, and has been “re-tooled” to cater to the needs of the chapter Music Team. Basic directing skills including arm waving, leadership, vocal teaching and working with voice sections are introduced to give the aspiring director a sense of the breadth of the task. The workshop works well as a general offering at LHW, as a class made available in various geographical areas, and as a training session for all those directing the chorus or part of it in a particular chapter. The District now boasts FOUR certified trainers for the Outstanding in Front program. Let’s put them to work by hosting a workshop at YOUR chapter!

Contact your District VP for Chorus Director Development for more information, or to volunteer your chapter to host a CDWI or Outstanding in Front Workshop.

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