District & Chapter Documents

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Date Posted Title Type of post
Sat, Aug 6 20222022 BMI-SESAC License Application For Show ClearanceProfile Documentation
Mon, Oct 21 2019ASCAP Reporting FormProfile Documentation
Mon, Oct 21 2019DAQC Afterglow Show ChecklistProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020District BylawsProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020District Code of RegulationProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020District Policy ManualProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Expense Categories Profile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Expense Report Temp EXCELProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Expense Report Template PDFProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Contest DOCProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Contest PDFProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Holiday Show DOCProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Holiday Show PDFProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Quick Start DOCProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Quick Start PDFProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Show DOCProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Show PDFProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Singing Valentines DOCProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Press Release - Singing Valentines PDFProfile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Show Assessment Form 2024Profile Documentation
Sun, Jan 5 2020Standing Ovation Review FormProfile Documentation

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