Peachtree Jamboree

9:00am, Sat, Apr 5 2025

  • Event Details
  • Type of event: Workshop
    Start time: 9:00am
    End time: 7:00pm
    Venue: 1405 Rockbridge Road SW, Stone Mountain GA 30087

    This event is open to all, especially Georgia Barbershop singers.

    What: A Peach Division - All day (Afterglow in the evening) event with Classes, Coaching, Contests, Pickup Quartet-ing, Tag singing, a luncheon and local entertainment.

    Who: All singers, male and female harmony chapters/choruses.

    Where: Mountain Park UMC, St Mt. 1405 Rockbridge Road SW, Stone Mountain GA 30087

    When: Saturday, Date April 5th, 2025 travel time is considered- starts at 9:30am, ends at 7pm

    Why: The goal is to create a connection with our companions in harmony by making this an annual event.

    Please feel free to forward this email to other barbershop choruses in Georgia (I may have missed a few). Contact me if you have any questions. Thx.

    An event like this creates synergy and excitement. Therefore, people you share your passion with will be attracted to your energy and what you are doing and membership takes off!

    Harmoniously Yours,

    Ken Weil (404) 354-1610,